Summer has gone and fall is here

At Julie’s its been an exciting and fun season so far. We have had so many great people visit our café and motel. We have a fun staff this year. I thought it would be fun to share some of the photos and information about the great people we have here to serve you.


This is Michala and she grew up in Door County. She is one of our awesome servers.


Gloria (China), Gabriela (Romania), Anamaria (Romania), Claudia (Romania), Amelia (Jamaica), and Bethany (Wisconsin) – having some fun with the treasure chest toys.



Mesut (Turkey), Ismayil (Azerbajan), Onur (Turkey)


Laith (Jordan), Bethany (Wisconsin), and Gloria (China)


You probably recognize the one in the middle. That’s Debra – our Manager. She’s super awesome!

Come visit our staff and say hi on your next trip to Fish Creek!

Julie’s Annual End-of-Season Buffet!

Our own whacky waitress Susan, excited to serve you as always! Just imagine it: Your plate HEAPING with eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes and...chicken tenders? At the same time?No, it's not a dream--it's the sweet reality that is Julie's annual end-of-the-season buffet!...

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“Look—up in the air! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a…bicycle?” Bicycles in the air? This can only mean one thing—you’re at Fish Creek Winterfest! That’s right, Winterfest is no ordinary festival. Boasting such games as the infamous bicycle toss, toilet seat toss,...

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2025 Draft Package

The 2025 NFL Draft is coming to Green Bay next April, and we’re making it easy for you to stay in beautiful Door County and still catch all the action in nearby Green Bay.

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An Unforgettable Door County Getaway

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